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          current location:home page >> News >> TR News

          Skills Competition

          In order to move forward the strategy of strenthening enterprises with talents, encourage our staff to gain professional skills, enhance team abilities, and improve product quality, we have recently held a skills competition among production, engineering, quality control and staff training departments with the help of the labor union. After one months time, all events were successfully completed and we have achieved our goal of this competition.







          The competitive site of the teams from end surface grinding of inner ring workshop

          The competitive site of the teams from end surface grinding of inner ring workshop

          The competitive site of finished part testing

          The competitive site of finished part testing




          The competitive site of the teams from spherical surface grinding of outer ring workshop adjusting balance of the grinding wheel

          The competitive site of the teams from spherical surface grinding of outer ring workshop adjusting balance of the grinding wheel

          The competitive site of the teams from raceway grinding of inner ring workshop adjusting balance of the grinding wheel

          The competitive site of the teams setting machines in the presence of judges
